About South Hills Children’s Choir

SHCC, established in 2013, is a non-profit youth chorus dedicated to  quality music education and artistic excellence in a variety of choral experiences and performances.  Our program fosters the personal and social growth of each  unique singer and promotes a sense of discipline and accomplishment through musical excellence, beautiful singing, and quality, authentic repertoire.  This is  foundational, forming a life-long relationship with music.  A choir is a place  to make friends,  learn healthy vocal technique,  gain a deeper appreciation of all musical arts, improve cognition,  lift the spirit,  learn empathy, and  share the gift of song with those in need.  Everyone can sing.  Sing with us!

SHCC offers the following programs:

Canticle, our non-audition training choir for ages 8 -10 with introductory solfege, unison singing,  rounds and canons, and beginning vocal technique.

Concordia, our auditioned intermediate choir for ages 11-13, singing intermediate level choral literature, with continued instruction in solfege, theory, and musicianship.

Cadenza, our auditioned advanced choir for ages 14-18, learning  intricate repertoire, advanced music theory, solfege, and Bel Canto vocal technique. This group not only sings for the community but tours locally and abroad.

Voice Types Accepted:

  • Soprano
  • Alto
  • Boys’ changing voices
  • Tenor
  • Bass
  • Young voices



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