About Afro American Music Institute

The Afro-American Music Institute (AAMI) began in 1982 as a proprietary venture of founders Dr. James Johnson and his wife, Pamela. Consistent with its mission, the Afro-American Music Institute provides programs of excellence under the guidance and tutelage of its committed, professional staff and board members.  It will continue to seek out those persons, especially youth for enrollment and completion of programs and courses offered at AAMI.  Our experience indicates that youth who participate in AAMI programs gain a better sense of self-confidence, self-esteem, creativity and problem-solving skills.



The Afro American Music Institute offers the following programs:

  • Boy’s Choir- Open to all young males, starting at age eight. This audition-based choir is AAMI’s award-winning ensemble!
  • Jazz Lab- This ensemble provides performance opportunities for youth who have studied instruction in composition, improvisation, basic theory, chart reading, and ear training.
  • Musical Instruction and Private lessons- AAMI offers instruction in Trumpet, Saxophone, Piano, Ear Training, Guitar, Music Lab, Voice Training, Music Theory, Jazz Improvisation, Gospel Piano, Computer, and Drums.
  • Summer Music Institute- A 2-week summer program providing young musicians instruction in music fundamentals, improvisation, voice, keyboards, and African Drumming and Dance!


To learn more about the Afro American Music Institute, check out their website and give them a call at 412-241-6775.



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